2023-24 Foundation Aid Increase Spending Plan
The Sweet Home Central School District’s 2023-24 New York State Foundation Aid amount is $21,835,409. This amount increased more than 10% or $4,209,177 Increases that exceed 10% require that the District establish a plan for the use of the additional funds. These funds may be used to address student performance including but not limited to five specific categories as stated in the New York State Education Department memo below.
Information for School Districts on·state Foundation Aid Plan Budget Language
The 2021-22 enacted state budget included language stating that, for the 2021-22, 2022- 23 and 2023-24 school years, each school district receiving a foundation aid increase of more than ten percent or $10,000,000 must post to the district website prior to July 1 of each school year a plan by school year of how the funds will be used to address student performance and need, including but not limited to:
(i) increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap;
(ii) reducing class sizes;
(iii) providing supports for students who are not meeting, or at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas;
(iv) addressing student social-emotional health; and
(v) providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities; and students experiencing homelessness.
The budget language states that, prior to posting such plan, each school district must seek public comment from parents, teachers and other stakeholders on the plan and take such comments into account in the development of the plan.
Sweet Home Central School District Foundation Aid Increase and Plan 23-24 School Year