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American Rescue Plan & Federal Funds

The federal government has passed several laws in the past year to address the economic and health consequences of the coronavirus pandemic (pandemic). The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, signed into law on December 27, 2020, provided additional funding to school districts under the same programs established last year in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and continues many of the programs enacted by the CARES Act by adding new phases, new allocations and new guidance to address issues related to the ongoing pandemic. The ARP Act also creates new programs to address continuing pandemic-related crises and fund recovery efforts.

Sweet Home Central School District created a plan to utilize the allocation of federal funds to help our students and the school community address issues related to the ongoing pandemic that have affected all families and students. The main areas of focus are:

  • Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of interrupted instruction and learning loss for all students, but especially the impacts on low-income students, children with disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness;
  • Addressing strategies to meet students' social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs;
  • Purchasing educational technology to help to identify and assess studlent learning loss gaps;
  • Ensuring the safety and well being of our students by purchasing needed HVAC equipment (boilers) and renovation of existing pole barn to provide for much needed storage and to alleviate space constraints across the District

Prior to the District’s ARP plan becoming final, we encourage all stakeholders to review the plan and provide feedback including additional suggestions via the following email address: by Wednesday, August 14, 2021.

Learning Loss Due to Interrupted Instruction

  • Hire reading specialists to support students not reading at grade level for every building K-12.
  • Hire three (3) additional teacher aides per building to provide additional interventions in both math and reading.

Maximizing Instructional Time

  • Expansion of K-12 summer school programs to increase the number of students receiving additional support across all grade levels, K-12.
  • After school learning opportunities for students 6-8 identified as needing instructional support, especially low-income students, children with disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness by paying stipends to teachers.

Supporting Student Social, Emotional, and Mental Well-Being

  • Funding for administrative position - Director of Pupil Personnell. 

Educational Technology Purchases

Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of purchasing educational technology include:

  • Performance Matters purchase - to assess and track learning of all students across the District.

Safely Returning Students to In-person Instruction

  • Refurbishment of existing pole barn to provide the District with more storage space and help to alleviate space crunch in all school buildings.
  • Purchase and replacement of four (4) old boilers and replace with new. (HVAC).


Sweet Home Central School District American Rescue Plan NYSED Submission/ Application

American Rescue Plan Budget Narrative

American Rescue FS-10 Budget Breakdown

*Each of the above is also available by calling the Sweet Home Business Office at 716-250-1406. 


Other District Federal Fund Information

CARES Act Budget Narrative GEER Funds

CARES Act FS-10F Budget Breakdown GEER Funds

CARES Act Budget Narrative ESSER Funds

CARES Act FS-10F Budget Breakdown ESSER Funds

CRRSA Act Budget Narrative GEER Funds

CRRSA Act FS-10 Budget Breakdown GEER Funds

CRRSA Act Budget Narrative ESSER Funds

CRRSA Act FS-10 Budget Breakdown ESSER Funds

*Each of the above is also available by calling the Sweet Home Business Office at 716-250-1406.