Purchasing Procedures
Procedures for the Purchase of Commodities, Goods, and Equipment:
The purchasing agent, Donald Feldmann, approves all purchase orders. You may not place an order or secure goods or services until you have an approved purchase order. All staff is directed to use Educational Data Services, BOCES bids, and State or County contracts. The OGS (Office of Government Services) lists the State Contracts that are available, and their terms and conditions on their website: nyspro.ogs.ny.gov; we have also added links on the business office web page of the most commonly used vendors. If you would like to suggest a vendor to add to that list please contact Donald Feldmann or Jessica Schmirl.
By utilizing the bid process you are assuring that you will be receiving the best possible price. If the item is not on an approved bid, you must follow the procedures outlined below. If you need assistance with finding a vendor, finding an item or finding a service provider please contact Jessica Schmirl via e-mail or at ext. 1410. We are happy to help any way we can.
- All requests for the addition of a vendor must be in writing. Please email Jessica Schmiral in Accounts Payable.
Clearly list the vendor’s name, address, and phone/fax number.
All new vendors must complete and return a W9 before any payment is released. The District is required by law to have a federal ID number on file for the vendor.
Please keep the following in mind as you prepare your requisitions for approval:
Requisition Descriptions: When entering requisitions into WinCap, remember to be specific in the description area. If applicable list the Bid Source (i.e. County, Boces, etc.), Contract Number or Proposal Number (Print Bid # 20-21-04 BOE approved 06/03/2020). Attach quotes or state contract documents. All documents will be maintained in the Vendor File for review by the Purchasing Agent and the Claims Auditor. Once those are ennterd, building administrator or supervisor will approve and the final approval comes from the purchasing agent for the District.
Purchasing Thresholds: Items that cost less than $2,500 can be purchased without competitive quotes. Items in the price range of $2,500-$5,000 require three (3) competitive verbal quotes. Items priced from $5,000-$20,000 require three (3) competitive written quotes. Items that exceed $20,00 require a competitive, advertised bid.
Purchase Order Receiving Copy: The purchase order receiving copy is signed when you have received goods or services from the vendor. If there is a partial payment due because of a service contract or a partial delivery of goods please check off “partial payment” on the receiving copy, indicate the amount to be paid and attach all backup documentation you have as proof of receipt along with the original invoice. Orders may not be prepaid. Please DO NOT sign the receiving copy unless you have received the goods or services.
Travel Reimbursement: A purchase order must be in place prior to travel. Travel must also be entered into PDP and approved.
Sales Tax: The school district is tax exempt and will not reimburse sales tax.
Purchase Orders:
- Once the Purchasing Agent has approved the requisition/pending purchase order following department or building admin approval, the request will be converted to a Purchase Order. After the Purchase Order is approved, the order will be placed.
- No orders or engagement of services are to be placed until the purchase order has been issued.
- Once you have the Purchase Order in hand, you can give to vendor and place your order.
- Your signature on the Purchase Order Receiving Copy is a release of payment. The Business Office cannot release payment without the signed receiving copy and ORIGINAL invoice. Please send all packing slips to the Business Office, reference the Purchase Order, so it may be attached to the vendor file.
- We do realize that, at times, some of the encumbrances are estimates and/or there may be changes due to shipping and handling. Any amount greater than 10%, must have an approved Increase/Liquidate Purchase Order Form before work is approved or order is placed.