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RTI/AIS - Academic Intervention Services

Academic Intervention Services


The NYS Education Department mandates that all schools provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) which supplements the general curriculum instruction to assist students in meeting the New York State learning standards, as well as student support services which may include guidance, counseling, attendance, and study skills needed to support improved academic performance.

Students who have been identified as being at risk of not gaining the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed the performance level on state assessments qualify for AIS support. In grades K-8, this support includes additional remedial instruction in reading and math. At the high school level, this includes students that have yet to pass required Regent-level courses in social studies and science. This additional support may take place during the regular school day or before or after school.

Our Elementary Response to Intervention (RtI) Plan provides further information regarding academic support for students K-5.

The guide below answers other questions parents may have.

Parent’s Guide to Academic Intervention Services (AIS) 2022-2023


The New York State Education Department requires students who are struggling to achieve learning standards in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics in grades K-12, and in sciences in grades 4- 12 to receive additional support. Students in need of additional services are assigned this extra support under the heading of Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Sweet Home offers a variety of AIS support to students, K-12. This support can occur in or outside the classroom, during the school day and outside the school day, and in small groups or through individual instruction. This information in this document is designed to answer some common questions parents often have about AIS.

We strongly encourage parents to contact their child’s building principal or teacher at any time if other questions or concerns arise.