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Sweet Home Source Magazine

Sweet Home Source Current Edition
(Summer 2024)

Message from Dr. Michael V. Ginestre, Superintendent of Schools:

Dear Sweet Home Community,

Summer is always a time of reflection on the great accomplishments of the past school year, and a shift of focus to the important and rewarding work ahead. I want to take a moment to reflect on the tremendous achievements and growth we have witnessed across the Sweet Home Central School District during the 2023-2024 school year. We have seen incredible academic accomplishments, inspiring artistic performances, and outstanding athletic achievements by the students of Sweet Home. Watching the Class of 2024 walk across the stage was certainly the culmination of all of these efforts, and we again congratulate our students and families for reaching this milestone. In this issue, we are proud to showcase an extensive list of scholarships, awards, and accolades earned by our entire student body this year. We are also grateful to celebrate the incredible 1,105 years of service our 41 retirees have given to the district. They have each left an indelible mark on our Panther Family, and they will be truly missed.

This year promises to be one of continued growth and opportunity. Year one of implementation of the Strategic Plan built a strong foundation for moving forward to ensure our students are “Ready for the Future.” In year two of implementation of the Strategic Plan, we will use this foundation as a platform to implement key initiatives in the District. We are now ready to fully implement our comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) plan designed to improve academic outcomes in literacy and mathematics, as well as support our students' social and emotional needs. While goal three, the Whole Child, is directly tied to MTSS, you will see evidence of its importance in all areas of the plan. As we deepen our support for students, we will strengthen the connections between the Strategic Plan and our focus on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) so we continue to lift all voices across the district.

During the 2024-2025 school year, we will also solidify our plans for our next capital project, incorporating many of the needs our community highlighted in last year’s ThoughtExchange and stakeholder focus group work. With our growing enrollment, you made it clear that there is a need for more space, and more efficient utilization of that space, especially at our elementary buildings. Stakeholders also mentioned that the District needs to address our smaller parking lots at some of our elementary buildings and reimagine library spaces to support STEM education. Our community also wants to see improvements to playground spaces, athletic facilities, overall building aesthetics, classroom storage, technology, meeting spaces, and security updates. We thank our community for providing honest and helpful feedback which will inform our work moving forward. We recognize that our facilities play a crucial role in shaping the educational experience of our students, and we are committed to investing in infrastructure that falls in line with the Strategic Plan and supports our mission and vision at Sweet Home.

We also continue to be committed to ensuring Sweet Home is a place for all. The work of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative now enters year four. This committee and its five subcommittees will continue to examine the operations of the District to ensure that opportunities exist for everyone. We are also proud of the work that has been done in the past year to develop and strengthen our Student Alliance for Cultural Transformation (ACT) team. This group of students encompasses leaders from grades 4-12 who meet regularly to lend their voice and guidance on the climate and culture of their buildings and comment on their overall experiences at Sweet Home.

We will also move into year two of our Athletic Council. This group of stakeholders meet to advise the District on best practices in athletics and to open the door for all who wish to participate in sports. This group of key volunteers is also charged with preserving our rich history as a premier destination for athletic excellence and ensuring Panther athletics grows as a point of pride in our great community.

All of these plans will soon be highlighted on our new District website, which will be the next phase in rebranding and diversifying our communication efforts. That project will be ready to roll in the next several weeks.

We have an incredible level of excitement for the 2024-2025 school year at Sweet Home. As “One Community,” we will ensure that each student is prepared for success. We look forward to working with our entire school community to make Sweet Home the very best experience for all we are fortunate to serve.

Best wishes for a great 2024-2025!

Dr. Michael V. Ginestre
Superintendent of Schools