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Temporary Home Instruction

Temporary Home Instruction

Sweet Home Central School District students attending public or non-public schools who qualify for home tutoring due to a long term illness, disability or disciplinary action shall be provided with such instruction in accordance with New York State Education Law and Commissioner’s Regulations.  Upon satisfactory completion of the assignment(s), as determined by the teacher(s), students will receive credit for their work while on home instruction.

Some important points to be aware of include the following:

  • Home instruction will be for those students who are physically unable to attend classes as well as all others who are provided for in the Education Law.
  • A district administrator will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the provision of home tutoring services takes into consideration the impact of school absences on class attendance and grading (i.e. minimal attendance).
  • Teachers for home instruction will be selected by a district administrator whenever needed. 
  • Physician’s certification, Committee on Special Education recommendation, or Superintendent’s direction is necessary for home instruction. 
  • Home instruction will terminate as soon as the individual student is able to attend regular classes and a timeline is required prior to initiation.
  • Approved services include the following:  Elementary students – maximum of  5 hours home instruction weekly; Secondary students – maximum of 10 hours home instruction weekly.  Differences may depend on educational needs.

Responsibilities of the parent are as follows:

  • The parent/guardian makes a request in writing for home instruction of a student after satisfying eligibility requirements, unless the request is coming from the CSE. 
  • The request shall include the reasons why the student is unable to attend school, with supporting documentation, and approximately how long home instruction will be needed.

Following a Request

  • The Superintendent or Committee on Special Education reviews the request and makes a decision.