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Digital Conversion/iPad Initiative

Sweet Home Digital Conversion/iPad Initiative

The world our children will graduate into will not only require a solid core body of knowledge but also a set of skills and experiences that are quite different than those demanded of their parents.  While certainly important, the ultimate success of our schools will not be found in the test scores published in newspapers but rather by creating a learning experience capable of engaging all our students in high-quality learning and thought each day. To that end, eight years ago, the District embarked on a plan to implement a “digital conversion” by issuing mobile computing tablets to all students first in grades 6-12, then expanding to grades 3-5 at the elementary level. Beginning the 2020-21 school year, due to the need for remote learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all students K-12 have access to a 1:1 device.

Parents may have questions regarding expectations for their iPad use. We have put in place numerous procedures to help guide the care and usage of the devices.  We are excited about the possibilities but know that we have much to learn. 

Please use the links below to help you learn about Sweet Home's "digital conversion":