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3rd Grade Numbers and Operations Fractions

What your child will learn

  • Understand the meaning of a fraction. (3.NF.1)
  • Place a fraction on a number line (3.NF.2)
  • Understand equivalent fractions (3.NF.3) 


Number and Operations Fractions Vocabulary Flashcards.pdf

  • Denominator: the bottom number in a fraction. It tells how many equal parts the set or whole has been divided into


  • Equivalent Fractions: two or more fractions that name the same amount
  • Fraction: a number that names part of a whole or part of a group
  • Greatest: the largest in a group
  • Least: the smallest in a group
  • Number Line: a line with equally spaced tick marks named by numbers
  • Numerator: the top number in a fraction. It tells how many of the equal parts of the whole or group are being considered
  • Order: arrangement according to size, amount, or value

Activities at Home

  • Go on a fraction hunt! Look for household items that are divided into equal parts (fractions of a whole and fractions of a set). Record the fractions.
  • Roll number cubes to make fractions. Draw pictures of the fractions you make. Place the fractions you've made in order on a number line.
  • Identify fractions at meal times. For example, you ate 1/2 of an apple, 3/4 stalk of celery, 1 whole tuna sandwich, and 2/3 of a glass of milk.
  • Practice making equivalent fractions.
  • Plot fractions on a number line.

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