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Immunization Requirements

Health Appraisals/Physical Exam Requirements

New York State requires that a complete physical exam be conducted for all new students and students entering grades Pre-K/K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.  This physical may be done by your child’s health care provider or by the school physician.  Physicals completed within a year of the first day of school can be accepted.  Please forward the completed form to your school nurse.  

For sports participation, a valid physical must be on file within a year of the start of the season.  If the physical expires during the season, the athlete may complete the season but will need a new physical before starting the next sport.  Sports physicals are offered regularly in school during the day and are also offered two or three evenings in June and August.  Contact your school nurse for more information

For working papers, a valid physical must be on file within a year.  Students needing an updated physical may also have one in school.  Contact your school nurse for more information.

Health Appraisal Form